Thursday, October 13, 2022

How My Tattooed Barbies Came About



とは言えそれは決して社会への反骨心やアンチテーゼではなく、私が :
Out Of The System (体制の外)でアウトローを気取るわけでもなく、
In The System (体制の中)で自我を押し殺して生きるわけでもなく、あくまでも 
With The System (体制と共に)。体制との共存こそ大切なことであると認識します。

I would like to share the backstory of my creations I'm showing in Japan, elaborating on the journey that led to their making (I'll discuss the techniques another time). Please read on if you're interested.
Tattoo Barbie Series
(A series featuring tattoos themed for each Barbie doll, produced by the American company Mattel)"
It was when I first started living in France. I was invited to a birthday party, and had drawn tattoos with magic markers on a Barbie doll which my daughter no longer played with, as a birthday gift. This has served as the starting point, and I began to wonder if I could reproduce more intricate graphic designs directly on Barbies. It was a process filled with various trials and tribulations, ultimately leading to the method I use today.
With a few exceptions, I prefer using the body types from Mattel dolls produced between the 1990s to the early 2010s because they have beautiful curves and materials suitable for tattooing. Perhaps there's meaning in a nameless artist tattooing on the iconic and globally recognized beauty, Barbie, produced by the giant American toy manufacturer, Mattel, since 1959.
However, it's essential to clarify that this is not an act of rebellion against society or an antithesis. I don't portray myself as an outlaw trying to exist outside the system or suppress my ego to conform within the system. Instead, I believe in coexisting WITH the system, valuing that coexistence.
The unfortunate perception of tattoos in Japan being associated with certain antisocial outlaw cultures doesn't represent my intention. Rather, by tattooing pop culture Barbie dolls with pop-themed tattoos, I aim to exude a pop nuance and, in a way, mock these outlaw cultures in a more playful manner.

#popart #contemporaryart #japaneseart #tattooedbarbie #dollstagram #lowbrow #rocknroll #terunoji

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