Tuesday, March 07, 2023

The Kawaii Incident

Tattooed Barbie “Luv ‘Toygirl’ Mitsui”, W100mm x H320mm x D100mm, December 2022.

弱点をつかれた。「おもちゃ箱をひっくり返したような」というテーマのもと制作したのだが、むしろ自分の方がひっくり返されてしまった。ガーリーな ”Kawaii” デザイン、こいつがどうにも難しい。ハローキティやリラックマかく語りき、長身のサウスポーの如く。強敵だ。

What is “Kawaii”?

2003~04年頃か、サンリオやサンエックスのキャラを横目に kawaii が描けなくて踠いていたある日、数台のマッキントッシュが唸り続ける三宿のデザイン事務所で夜な夜な横尾忠則氏の画集を眺めていると、kawaii とは程遠い硬派なデザインであるにも関わらず、氏の黄色とピンクの使い方が実はとてもポップで kawaii な印象を与えていることがヒントとなり、以後積極的にこの苦手な二色を取り入れるようになる。

かのジミ・ヘンドリックスがインタビュアーに「ギターの通念を逸脱した奇想天外な貴方の演奏法はどうやって生まれたのか?」と聞かれ、彼は「common sense & originality / 一般常識と独創性」と答える。つまり、一見不協和音のような適当に弾いてるようなリフやソロも、実はシンプルで基本的なブルース・コードやスケールが根本にあり、そこをとことん常識的に意識することから始まるのだ、と。


I've been hit at a weak spot. I created under the theme of 'like spilling a toy box,' but it seems like I'm the one who got spilled instead. The girly 'Kawaii' design is proving to be quite a challenge. Trying to narrate Hello Kitty or Rilakkuma, standing tall like a southpaw boxer. Indeed, a formidable opponent.
What is 'Kawaii'?
Around 2003-04, struggling to draw 'kawaii' while glancing at characters from Sanrio and San-X, one day, in a design office in Mishuku where several Macintosh computers continued to hum, I found myself perusing a collection of Tadanori Yokoo's artworks late into the night. Despite being a far cry from 'kawaii,' Yokoo's use of yellow and pink turned out to be surprisingly pop and gave off a 'kawaii' impression. This became a hint, and from then on, I actively started incorporating these two colors that I had been struggling with.
Jimi Hendrix was once asked by an interviewer, 'How did your unconventional and outlandish style of playing the guitar come about?' He responded, 'common sense & originality.' In other words, even seemingly discordant riffs and solos that appear to be played casually actually have simple and fundamental blues chords and scales at their core. It all starts with conscientiously embracing those basics, in a thoroughly sensible manner.
Come to think of it, Picasso and Dali were both incredibly skilled in drawing. What about me, then? Well, I suppose I'll keep pounding the punching bag...

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