Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Punk Doll Tattooed Barbie “Soo Mcgough”

Punk Doll / パンク人形 (日本語訳:テル・ノヂ)

Last week I bought my favorite niece a cute little doll from a punk toyshop on the Kings Road.


When you twist the safety pin in her rosy cheek she vomits and shouts: fuck, fuck, in a tinny voice.


The doll is pretty strange too. - Roger Mcgough

とても不気味な人形なんだ。 - ロジャー・マクグー

英国のロジャー・マクグーによるこの散文詩は、1978年に出版されたジャーナリストのヴァル・ヘネシーの、ロンドンでパンクのギグやクラブに集まる奇抜なファッション、メイクアップ、髪型、アティテュードに身を包んだパンクスの若者達に着目した本 In The Gutter に記載されていた詩で、絶版となったこの本は写真やインタビュー満載で当時のファッション史をも顧みることができる貴重な資料として今も尚高額で取引されている。


猫を模倣したそのアイコニックな髪型のことを聞かれたスー・ルーカス AKA スー・キャットウーマンは、毎朝ジェルで固めねばならないことが面倒で、いっそのこと真ん中を剃ってしまえば手間が減ると思い立ったことがきっかけだった、と話している。





Punk Doll Tattooed Barbie “Soo Mcgough”, H330mm x W100mm x D100mm, August 2022.

This prose poem by Britain's Roger McGough was featured in journalist Val Hennessy's book 'In The Gutter,' published in 1978. The book documented the eccentric fashion, makeup, hairstyles, and attitudes of young punks who frequented punk gigs and clubs in London. It has become a rare and valuable resource for reflecting on the fashion history of that era, filled with photographs and interviews. Unfortunately, the book has gone out of print, and copies are still traded at high prices today.
I had always wanted to create a doll based on this poem. Naturally, the only choice for a motif was Soo Catwoman, a member of The Bromley Contingent, the Sex Pistols' entourage. When asked about the iconic hairstyle imitating a cat, Sue Lucas AKA Soo Catwoman mentioned that she found it quite troublesome to gel it into shape every morning. She decided it would be more convenient to just shave the middle part, which became the inspiration for her unique hairstyle.
What's intriguing is that her hairstyle and fashion were never about anarchistic political ideologies, juvenile rebellion, violence, or disrespect towards the public. They were, in fact, a quiet assertion of fundamental human rights and the freedom of individual expression through a fashion-forward visual statement, as she explicitly stated.
Unlike Malcolm McLaren, who was often scheming and using Queen Elizabeth as a motif, or the idyllic and protest-driven Clash, Sue, with her primal emphasis on freedom of expression rather than rebellion, and her presence transcending the concept of punk, stood out. Despite not being a band member or artist in the conventional sense, one could argue that she was more 'Pistols' than the members of the Sex Pistols themselves.
Perhaps it's her unmatched sense of style and purity that lingers on as Sue's enduring legacy as a punk icon. Actions driven by the heart, like a dedicated hotline, have a direct line to people's hearts.
Later in life, she raised two children and continues to live quietly in London.

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