Wednesday, March 26, 2025

野地之奇譚テレビ『禁じられた遊び』NOJI-TV 1.0 ‘Forbidden Games'

 「野地之奇譚テレビ『禁じられた遊び』箱型ゼンマイ式戯画回転映像受像機壱号」252mm x 214mm x 100mm、2024年9月。


“NOJI-TV 1.0 ‘Forbidden Games - Jeux interdits’ Wind-Up Box-Type Cartoon Motion Receiver” 252mm x 214mm x 100mm, September 2024.

Behold! This astounding apparatus, unlike anything ever conceived by the human mind, holds the key to unparalleled stimulation of the central nervous system... Prepare yourself for visions beyond reality—hallucinations of the most vivid kind, near-death experiences, the banishment of fatigue, and an overwhelming cure for melancholia, drowsiness, and the woes of the mind... A worldwide sensation, captivating the attention and imagination of all who dare to witness its extraordinary effects!

#popart #contemporaryart #lowbrow #fisherprice #tv #television #musicbox #surrealism #redrum #rocknroll #terunoji

Sunday, March 16, 2025


Merci, Paris!

My second exhibition during Paris Fashion Week recently wrapped up. I'm truly grateful to everyone involved and to those who supported me.
For me, every piece I create is meant to be a cutting-edge fashion item. I like to imagine a world where, say, the cover of Vogue in November 1971 featured "Teru Noji’s Tattooed Barbie". That vision is what drives my work.
That’s why it was such an honor to have my pieces displayed alongside fashion brands in such a historic showroom.
There might be a next time—who knows? I’ll keep creating and hope to share something new again.
Merci, Paris!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Jim Morrison's Grave

「ロックンロールとは、天使たちが真実を語る声の事をいう」― ジム・モリソン

A hectic last day in Paris―packing up and moving the dolls from the exhibition venue.
Two hours before my train, I finally made it to Père Lachaise Cemetery, where Jim Morrison rests. Many legends are buried here, including Chopin, Oscar Wilde, and Édith Piaf, etc…
Jim’s grave used to be constantly visited by fans, leaving behind endless graffiti, offerings, and unfortunately, even needles and joint butts. The damage became so severe that it’s now fenced off.
Still, one tradition remains―visitors stick chewing gum on a nearby tree as a symbol of independence and defiance against authority. A ritual that feels so Jim Morrison. The tree is still covered in gum.
“Rock n’ roll is the sound of angels telling the truth.” ― Jim Morrison

#jimmorrison #thedoors #perelachaisecemetery #cimetiereduperelachiaise #lizardking #rocknroll #terunoji

Friday, March 07, 2025

How To Stop-motion in 17 Seconds

 What I 'm doing in between Before & After. 

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

「パリ・ファッションウィークでの展示」続編 Exhibition at Paris Fashion Week: Sequel

このたび、私の作品がパリ・ファッションウィーク期間中(3月5日〜3月11日)、以前にもお世話になったショールーム・トーマス・デュフォー (58 rue Charlot 75003 Paris) にて展示・販売されることになりました。

"Advanced Health Ed: Effective Condom Use" Episode
My work will be exhibited and sold at Showroom Thomas Dufour (58 rue Charlot 75003 Paris) during Paris Fashion Week (March 5–11). I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to present my work again at this showroom, where I have had the honor of exhibiting before.
The showroom is open to invited buyers and press only, but I will be sharing updates on Instagram, so please take a look.


Sunday, March 02, 2025

R.I.P. David Johansen New York Dolls Forever





十代のころ、歌詞カードもないカセットを何百回も聴いて、Looking For A Kiss を耳コピした。今も歌詞はおろか、デヴィッドの振り付けまで完璧に真似できる。合掌。

New York in the '70s. A shirtless, long-haired guy leans out of a window at the Chelsea Hotel, guitar in hand.
“Hey man, check out this riff!”
From a building across the street, a blond guy with red lipstick pops his head out. “I’ll write some lyrics right now!” And just like that, a jam session starts over the road.
Rock’n roll was just a part of life. Watching this scene, music producer Yuya Uchida was stunned.
“There’s no way we can compete with guys like this.”
A few weeks later, John and Yoko invited him to check out an interesting band. The moment they took the stage, he recognized them―it was those same guys from the window.
Johnny Thunders, David Johansen, and their gang―the raw, streetwise New York Dolls. Seeing them play, Uchida was floored all over again.
I remember him telling this story in an interview.
When I was a teenager, I played Looking for a Kiss over and over, learning it by ear from a cassette with no lyrics sheet. Even now, I can nail not just the words, but David’s moves too.
Rest in peace.

#davidjohansen #newyorkdolls #busterpoindexter #johnnythunders #yuyauchida

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

パンチラ・バービー、首飛ぶ夜に - 解説編

こちらはパリでのショーのために制作した「パンチラ・バービー: 首飛ぶ夜に」の ‘解説編’ です。ひとつ前の「呪いのジャケット 解説編」では、トリヴィアやオマージュを、70年代の怪獣特撮の解説風に字幕を付けましたが、こちらは主にストーリーの解説を中心に、ナレーションも加えました。是非ご覧ください。

This is the explanatory video for ‘Peek-a-Boo Barbie: Night of Flying Heads’, created for a show in Paris.
The previous ‘Cursed Jacket’ video used subtitles in a 70s “kaiju tokusatsu” style to highlight trivia and homages. This time, the focus is on the story, with recorded Japanese narration. Enjoy!

#parisfashionweek2025 #popart #contemporaryart #stopmotionanimation #lamaisonhiroco #fashionart #davidlynch #stanleykubrick #theshining #room237 #thepinkroom #kaijutokusatsu #rocknroll #terunoji

Saturday, February 15, 2025

G.A. Joe Ring-A-Ding Boobie Bell 3

「G.A.ジョー リンリン豊胸ベル参号 G.A. Joe Ring-A-Ding Boobie Bell 3」205mm x 150mm x 60mm, December 2024。アトリエに転がる無精髭の兵隊人形の首を弄びながら、「もしG.I.ジョーがゲイだったら、G.A.ジョーかな?」と、先にタイトルありきで製作しました。

「破廉恥で馬鹿馬鹿しいのに、なぜか気品もある」――そんな自負を持つこのベルシリーズは、私が目指している「アンティークの風合いとポップテイストの融合」を体現した真骨頂であり、自信作でもあります。発表の順序は前後しましたが、4号機であるソフビ人形 ’気合田くん’ 仕様をはじめ、今後もバービー以外に、日本人形やこけしなど、多様な素材を用いた実験を続けていきたいと思っています。



While playing with the bearded soldier doll’s severed head in my atelier, I wondered, “If G.I. Joe were gay, would he be G.A. Joe?”―and the title came first.

This bell series is shameless, ridiculous, yet strangely refined. It embodies my vision of blending antique aesthetics with pop art and is one of my proudest works.

 Moving forward, I plan to keep experimenting with various materials, including Japanese dolls and kokeshi, beyond just Barbie.

(Excerpt from past descriptions)・・・I found this antique doorbell at a local flea market in Arles where I live. While it originally came from an old telephone, the two bells reminded me of something a bit cheeky - the female form, if you will. Despite occasional doubts, I believed turning this silliness into reality was part of my purpose, so I kept motivating myself until it was done.

The original mechanism, with a pendulum between the bells, was broken beyond repair. So, I made the pendulum detachable using magnets, allowing it to strike the bells directly. The result is a delightful sound.

#gijoe #boobie #popart #contemporaryart #lowbrow #queerart #doorbell #dollart #surrealism #rocknroll #terunoji

Thursday, February 13, 2025

試着 - 呪いのジャケット「解説編」


This is an explanatory video for the animation “The Cursed Jacket” I created for the show in Paris. It explains the trivia and homages sprinkled throughout each scene in the style of 1970s Japanese "kaiju tokusatsu" narration. Please take a look!

#parisfashionweek2025 #popart #contemporaryart #stopmotionanimation #showroomthomasdufour #fashionart #davidlynch #stanleykubrick #theshining #room237 #thepinkroom #rocknroll #terunoji

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

We Are The Nojis

Daughter. Son. Father. A family of art, movement, and strength—The Noji Family.
