Friday, October 11, 2024

The Noji Family 野地一族 2024

The rare full gathering of “The Noji Family”, 2024. 野地一族の珍しくフルメンバー勢揃い、2024年。

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

野地之奇譚テレビ壱弍号機 近影

今読み返すと、幼さはあるものの、『シュールレアリズムとは何か?』という哲学的問いに純粋に挑んでいた跡が見て取れます。 最終的に100話近く描きましたが、特に構成力や作品を完成に導く執念は、この時に養われたのではないかと思います。

In the mid-80s, I was heavily influenced by the manga of Yoshikazu Ebisu, and spent my classes doodling comics in my notebook. Looking back now, even though they were a bit childish, I can see traces of me genuinely exploring the philosophical question of 'What is surrealism?'. I ended up drawing almost 100 episodes, and this is where I developed my sense of structure and determination to finish a piece.
What I’m sharing here is a self-cover of my 1987 work A Day in the Life of Mr. Pen, which I’ve re-edited for a Fisher-Price toy TV. This is where my artistic journey began.

#popart #contemporaryart #lowbrow #fisherprice #tv #television #musicbox #surrealism #rocknroll #terunoji


ノヂノ奇譚テレビ弍号機「禁じられた遊び 2」
ああああ くるまにひかれて んんんが もぎとれた
びいがたの えすさいず んんんを かしてください
いちねんかん ひゃくまんえんです
さっき おとなりさんが んんん とどけてくれたわ
なんだそうか わざわざ れんたるで かりちまったよ

NOJI-TV 2.0 “Forbidden Games 2 - Jeux interdits 2”
Oh no I got hit by a car and my Willy came off
I’d like to rent a B-type size small Willy
It’s 1 miilion yen for a year
The neighbor just brought over the Willy you dropped
Darn, I already rented one for nothing

#popart #contemporaryart #lowbrow #fisherprice #tv #television #musicbox #yoshikazuebisu #sonicyouth #goo #surrealism #rocknroll #terunoji

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Hamster From HELL

"Hamster From Hell, The 'BURUMORI' Custom" - 『地獄のハムスター BURUMORI カスタム』, 85mm x 65mm x 50mm, September 2024.

There are techniques and ideas I’ve always vaguely thought of trying, but fear of failure or just the hassle kept me from taking the plunge.
For this piece, I knew that if I didn’t push myself to try those new techniques, I wouldn’t get the results I wanted.
With some hesitation, I tackled those challenges and worked through them step by step until I somehow managed to complete it.

It’s often said, "Avoid unnecessary risks, but face challenges head-on, and learn to tell the difference."
This work embodies that lesson—facing challenges, running into my own limitations, yet also discovering new possibilities for the future.

I was completely absorbed while making this, and though there were plenty of things I could have done better, the intense focus I had made it feel like pure happiness when I look back on it.
Feeling happiness from what I chose to do is proof that I have a reason to create art.

People say, "There’s no reason—I just do it because I love it." But maybe that’s the same as having a reason after all.
"Hamster From Hell" showed me that.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

野地之奇譚テレビ壱号機 近影

「野地之奇譚テレビ『禁じられた遊び』箱型ゼンマイ式戯画回転映像受像機壱号」252mm x 214mm x 100mm、2024年9月。

"NOJI-TV 1.0 'Forbidden Games - Jeux interdits' Wind-Up Box-Type Cartoon Motion Receiver" 252mm x 214mm x 100mm, September 2024.
Behold! This astounding apparatus, unlike anything ever conceived by the human mind, holds the key to unparalleled stimulation of the central nervous system... Prepare yourself for visions beyond reality—hallucinations of the most vivid kind, near-death experiences, the banishment of fatigue, and an overwhelming cure for melancholia, drowsiness, and the woes of the mind... A worldwide sensation, captivating the attention and imagination of all who dare to witness its extraordinary effects!

ノヂノ奇譚テレビ壱号機 NOJI-TV 1.0

きょうは まとあてを するわよ
わあい わあい ぼく まとあて だあいすき
うごいちゃ だめよ あたまを ねらってるの
ええん ええん いたいよう こわいよう
うわああ くびがとんで ちの あめだ わあい わあい
ぼく とんでるよう

NOJI-TV 1.0 "Forbidden Games - Jeux interdits"
Today let's play bullseye
Yay yay I love bullseye so much
Don't move I'm aiming your head
Aww aww it hurts I'm scared
Wheee his head flew off and raining blood
Huhhh I'm flyinggg

Friday, September 27, 2024

Making of Drag Queen G.I. Joe

"Hey, do I look gorgeous?"

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Follow Me on Instagram


I frequently upload updates on my Instagram account, showcasing the process and behind-the-scenes moments of my artwork. If you're interested, feel free to follow and stay connected!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Doctor Noji's Patient

義足を研磨して大きさを調節。Sanding down the prosthetic leg.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



I bet I ain't the only one practicing that no-motion jab after the left and right feint steps that Ren Hiramoto used on Mikuru Asakura.