Monday, February 03, 2025

The Killer Clown

“The Killer Clown” 220mm x 120mm x 72mm, January 2025. 元は娘からプレゼントで貰ったピエロで、パリで開催するショーのための動画の一コマに使いたくて、パンツの白黒チェッカリング塗装から始めました。
動画のコンセプトは、自分なりのユーモアを軸に、まさに先日亡くなったデビッド・リンチのThe Pink Roomに登場しそうな人物と構図に、キューブリック的なサブリミナル編集を施す、というものでした。

This clown was originally a gift from my daughter. I wanted to use it in a scene for a video I was making for a show in Paris, so I started by painting its pants in a checker pattern.
The video’s concept was based on my own sense of humor―characters and compositions that feel like they belong in The Pink Room by David Lynch, who just passed away, with some Kubrick-style subliminal editing thrown in.
Even though the venue was a prestigious fashion exhibition during Paris Fashion Week, I couldn’t help but add a strong narrative element. In the end, I went all out with blood splatter, which completely clashed with the image of the fashion brands. That led to a bit of trouble figuring out where to display it, giving the staff quite a headache. I’m sorry!

#popart #contemporaryart #clown #pierrot #joker #davidlynch #thepinkroom #stanleykubrick #parisfashionweek2025 #artmeetsfashion #surrealism #stopmotionanimation #toomuchblood #rocknroll #terunoji

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