Monday, April 18, 2022

The Book Of Kink No.2 - 奇譚之書 第ニ巻

『奇譚之書・第ニ巻「新時代之徒然戯文戯画報」2077年11月号 』”The Book Of Kink - No.2, November Issue Year 2077”, 125mm x 175mm x 65mm, February 2022.

"The second volume of the elusive tome we discussed before will undoubtedly be discovered in some antiquarian bookstore in the year 2077, 55 years from now. If it resembles a ceramic decanter with a cork stopper at the top to you, then it means your 'libido' is only at that level. Only those whose libido has reached a certain level can open and read this peculiar book.
However, for those of you who are fearless and reckless enough to want to read it, here's a hint to increase your libido:
Fill this container with your seductive partner's 'elixir' (do not forget to add a drop of your fresh blood), and drink it all on a November full moon night at precisely 11:11 PM. But, do not forget that in return, your lifespan will be shortened by 11 years. Please take extreme caution.
Furthermore, this secret hint is a whimsical tale told by a mysterious and eccentric old jestersman of unidentified Eastern origin named 'Teru-Whatever.' He used to frequent a dingy tavern in Arles, a town in southern France where the likes of Van Gogh and Gauguin once reveled. The veracity of this tale remains uncertain. Apologies for any inconvenience."

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