Saturday, October 05, 2024

Hamster From HELL

"Hamster From Hell, The 'BURUMORI' Custom" - 『地獄のハムスター BURUMORI カスタム』, 85mm x 65mm x 50mm, September 2024.

There are techniques and ideas I’ve always vaguely thought of trying, but fear of failure or just the hassle kept me from taking the plunge.
For this piece, I knew that if I didn’t push myself to try those new techniques, I wouldn’t get the results I wanted.
With some hesitation, I tackled those challenges and worked through them step by step until I somehow managed to complete it.

It’s often said, "Avoid unnecessary risks, but face challenges head-on, and learn to tell the difference."
This work embodies that lesson—facing challenges, running into my own limitations, yet also discovering new possibilities for the future.

I was completely absorbed while making this, and though there were plenty of things I could have done better, the intense focus I had made it feel like pure happiness when I look back on it.
Feeling happiness from what I chose to do is proof that I have a reason to create art.

People say, "There’s no reason—I just do it because I love it." But maybe that’s the same as having a reason after all.
"Hamster From Hell" showed me that.

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