Wednesday, October 09, 2024

野地之奇譚テレビ壱弍号機 近影

今読み返すと、幼さはあるものの、『シュールレアリズムとは何か?』という哲学的問いに純粋に挑んでいた跡が見て取れます。 最終的に100話近く描きましたが、特に構成力や作品を完成に導く執念は、この時に養われたのではないかと思います。

In the mid-80s, I was heavily influenced by the manga of Yoshikazu Ebisu, and spent my classes doodling comics in my notebook. Looking back now, even though they were a bit childish, I can see traces of me genuinely exploring the philosophical question of 'What is surrealism?'. I ended up drawing almost 100 episodes, and this is where I developed my sense of structure and determination to finish a piece.
What I’m sharing here is a self-cover of my 1987 work A Day in the Life of Mr. Pen, which I’ve re-edited for a Fisher-Price toy TV. This is where my artistic journey began.

#popart #contemporaryart #lowbrow #fisherprice #tv #television #musicbox #surrealism #rocknroll #terunoji

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