Friday, August 09, 2024

Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial Day

『芸術は飾りではない。敵に立ち向かうための武器なのだ』— パブロ・ピカソ

The engine sounds of the B-29, the bomb drop, and the explosion all use actual wartime recordings. The explosion sound is haunting, and imagining the survivors’ despair made editing tough—I had to take off my headphones several times.
The background is Picasso’s 'Guernica,' a protest against the Nazi bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.
'Art is not a decoration. It’s a weapon to fight against the enemy.' — Pablo Picasso

#peace #長崎原爆の日 #nagasaki #nagasakipeacememorial #長崎平和祈念式典 #atomicbombmemorial #neveragain #pablopicasso #guernica #はだしのゲン #barefootgen #hadashinogen #terunoji

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