Sunday, August 30, 2020

60th Anniversary Tattooed Barbie

60th Anniversary Tattooed Barbie, 2019. This project was an year ago I did to celebrate her 60th anniversary. My dull photos doesn’t show justice for her hair color which I dyed to gray, as like she may naturally age, actually turned to super mild gray. But still keeping the reflection of the blonde hair how it was. Charming!

I did wanted to use the original 1960s body and head, but the plastic(?) material is always tricky for “tattooing”, the result is always disappointing like too much air bubbles, etc I don’t use it. They’re pricy too. And how about the bodies with flexible rubber-ish arms and legs from the 70s era? Oh, forget it for tattoos. But they’re really good for bondage shibaris.

Anyways, thanks for watching.
#tattooedbarbie #dollstagram #dollphotogallery #dollphotography

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