Sunday, January 18, 2009

"The Sophists" original 1987 pencil drawing and digital remastered version

The original comic is pencil drawn on a notebook paper. I was drawing during biology class at high school, 1986, very much inspired by Kazuyoshi Ebisu's early comic arts, the super ero-gro nonsense sure- realistic stories, and the nasty 'annoying' drawings. For a 16 year old high school boy, his crazy comics were hard core enough, I even felt like hiding it from my parents. Those school days I drew a lot of sure-realism mangas, it was good practising days for building up scenarios nowadays.
The originals are all lost, I only have 11 stories left, all scans from the originals.
Pencil chalks were allover the drawings and making a mess, so one day I finally kicked my lazy bum to scan and retouch it, but as I started I thought of coloring. But coloring meant drawing the whole thing. So I redrew everything, and made some minor changes to the story. So far it's only in Japanese, but will try in English too some time.

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