「破廉恥で馬鹿馬鹿しいのに、なぜか気品もある」――そんな自負を持つこのベルシリーズは、私が目指している「アンティークの風合いとポップテイストの融合」を体現した真骨頂であり、自信作でもあります。発表の順序は前後しましたが、4号機であるソフビ人形 ’気合田くん’ 仕様をはじめ、今後もバービー以外に、日本人形やこけしなど、多様な素材を用いた実験を続けていきたいと思っています。
While playing with the bearded soldier doll’s severed head in my atelier, I wondered, “If G.I. Joe were gay, would he be G.A. Joe?”―and the title came first.
This bell series is shameless, ridiculous, yet strangely refined. It embodies my vision of blending antique aesthetics with pop art and is one of my proudest works.
Moving forward, I plan to keep experimenting with various materials, including Japanese dolls and kokeshi, beyond just Barbie.
(Excerpt from past descriptions)・・・I found this antique doorbell at a local flea market in Arles where I live. While it originally came from an old telephone, the two bells reminded me of something a bit cheeky - the female form, if you will. Despite occasional doubts, I believed turning this silliness into reality was part of my purpose, so I kept motivating myself until it was done.
The original mechanism, with a pendulum between the bells, was broken beyond repair. So, I made the pendulum detachable using magnets, allowing it to strike the bells directly. The result is a delightful sound.
#gijoe #boobie #popart #contemporaryart #lowbrow #queerart #doorbell #dollart #surrealism #rocknroll #terunoji
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