現在、世界の各地で戦争が続き、さも正当な理由があるかのような大義名分の名のもとに殺し合い、絶望の中で叫ぶ人々がいるという現実に対し、地球そのものは冷ややかに見つめ、むしろ怒りを露わにしているかのようです。ある人は「地球が泣いている」と表現しましたが、実際には地球は「体中に沸いた人類どもが暴れて痒い」と怒りに震えている気がします。人類は、そういった「禁じられた遊び」を繰り返すことで、地球からの怒りを買い、いずれはその存在が排除(駆除)される運命なのかもしれません。ただそれだけのことです。さあ、あなたも私と一緒にこのおまんじゅうを食べませんか?What is “God”? Is it real, or just an idol humans created to suit themselves? In this piece, the people are easily convinced by a young boy’s fake “god,” believing it so much that they eat “poo donuts” thinking they’re a divine gift. This highlights the foolishness of blindly accepted beliefs and the people’s unquestioning obedience.
In today’s world, wars rage in many places, with “just causes” that sound reasonable yet lead to endless destruction and despair. Meanwhile, Earth watches coldly, or maybe even angrily. Some say, “The Earth is crying,” but perhaps it’s more like, “The Earth is itching with the human pests that won’t stop messing things up.” Humanity keeps playing these “forbidden games,” which might eventually lead to Earth deciding it’s time to wipe us out. It’s really just that simple. So…won’t you have a bite of this donut too?
#popart #contemporaryart #lowbrow #fisherprice #tv #television #musicbox #yoshikazuebisu #god #cult #religion #whatyoubelieveisnottrue #forbiddengames #parasite #blankeyjetcity #metalmoon #surrealism #antiwar #peace #rocknroll #terunoji
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