Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Memorial Day


In the story, Barbie is reading Keiji Nakazawa's manga "Barefoot Gen," based on experiences from the Hiroshima atomic bombing. When I first read it in a Japanese library as a returnee in the '80s, I was shocked by how different it was from the history I learned in the US. The sadness, intensity, and brutal scenes were overwhelming. I remember running to my grandparents' house and trying to escape the fear by eating red bean ice cream, which I didn't even like. That Japanese summer still holds a special place in my heart.

#peace #広島原爆の日 #hiroshima #hiroshimapeacememorial #atomicbombmemorial #neveragain #はだしのゲン #barefootgen #hadashinogen #terunoji

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