Monday, May 13, 2024

RIP Roger Corman

"普通の人" が狂ったフリをしているのと、"狂ったやつ" が普通のフリをしていることは全く別な話だ。"普通の人が狂人ぶっている" のは「痛々しい」が、"狂人が普通の人ぶっている" のは「恐ろしい」。その「恐ろしさ」が「美」や「ユーモア」に繋がる。

Roger Corman has passed away. His B-films were a huge influence on me. I learned about cult classics, surrealism, lowbrow culture, and B-movie aesthetics from him.
While this genre is often looked down upon and dismissed by society, expressing it is actually quite challenging. It's easy to fall into shallow expressions, like those terrible occasional TV commercials in Japan where it feels like they're just showing off. "But isn't it about enjoying that?" No. It's completely different.
There's a big difference between 'normal people' pretending to be crazy and 'crazy people' pretending to be normal. When 'normal people act crazy,' it's pathetic, but when 'crazy people act normal,' it's terrifying. That terror leads to 'beauty' and 'humor'. And that's what it's all about.

#rogercorman #bmovie #cultclassics #grindhouse #surrealism #lowbrow #popart #contemporaryart #deathrace2000 #wildangels #thetrip #deathsport #machinegunkelly #cagedheat #rocknrollhighschool #piranha #suburbia

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