Friday, March 08, 2024


昨今のイラストレーターが描くミニマルで “Kawaii” なキャラクターは、自分には描けないし、それはそれですばらしいし凄いと思う。しかし、何かが足りない気もする。それは「説得力」なのかもしれない。どちらが正しいか、という話ではなく、検索だけでは決して補うことのできない「説得力」が存在することは覚えておくべきだ、と圧倒的説得力と存在感の氏のイラストを前にしみじみ思った。合掌。
When I was a kid who loved building model kits, Akira Toriyama's drawings of cool mechs and weapons were mind-blowing. I got inspired by his art and created my own made-up mech by mixing parts from Tamiya's Kubelwagen, Aoshima's helicopter, Zaku, and Dougram. I even scored first place in Takara's Choro-Q modification contest for elementary schoolers.
I tried entering Tamiya's doll modification contest multiple times but never got picked. Then one year, seeing Toriyama's work in Hobby Japan totally blew my mind.
While everyone else was into making famous folks like Tamori or Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Oshin out of soldier figures, Toriyama went with a simple idea―a US soldier taking a soda break. He walked away with the prize, leaving me feeling kinda bummed with my own models. So, like a frustrated potter smashing his pots to the ground, I took my plastic models to the park, strapped firecrackers to them, and blew 'em up. And guess what? That day, I went back to the prep school in Omori that I'd been ditching.
His illustrations didn't just focus on the main characters; even the supporting mechs stood out. The secret sauce to his convincing art? Probably his deep love and understanding of mechs and model kits―he got his hands dirty making them himself.
Imagine someone who's never tasted or touched an apple, only knows it from online searches. How well could they describe its taste and texture?
Today's artists draw cute and minimalist characters that are awesome in their own way. But something's missing. Maybe it's that "wow" factor. It's not about who's right or wrong, but we should remember there's a kind of "wow" you can't get from just Googling stuff. That's what hit me hard in front of Toriyama's illustrations―undeniable and impressive. Amen.

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