Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Times Square Again

I did post something about this movie few years ago, but tonight I felt like watching it again, must find the DVD I don't know where it is...
It wasn't the Pistols nor Ramones nor Iggy who taught me "the attitude" for the first time. It was this hot chick Nicky (Robin Johnson) from this movie in 1980, Times Square. I saw it on TV when I was 13 or something. I used to check out the way she dress, her sidewalk dancing, her songs, everything was so cool. Hope it doesn't sound like Princess Teru confessing his first crossdressing story, I aint no drag queen nor gay but anyway she was that cool it made me feel like I wanted to be like her and pushed me to buy my first black leather jacket that I always wanted. I read an article somewhere on the net about this actress and Courtney Love was describing her like this: "I swear to god I've never seen an actress like this, she's Mick Jagger plus Marilyn Monroe." Well said!

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