Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Early Manga Drawings 1986~1988

Gun Club 

The Rebel Youth II 

Wrong Death 

The Rebel Youth 

 Mr. Five-O-Two

Stairway To Hell

The City Regulation

Here are some more of my early mangas I drew while high-school days.  I uploaded one of it some years ago with the digital remastered version I've done 20 years later. Here's a link for that:
... Since the Biology teacher was like a robot with no feelings, like making few of my mates to quit school for ridiculous reasons, I never liked him.  He was an asshole with no human heart. I boycott to learn and instead I started drawing these rebel mangas having this teacher in the story and making fun of him. Every biology class I was drawing and passing it to my mates.
That was the start and after finishing couple of "My Biology Teacher" series, there was nothing left to make fun of him and I start to think of sure-realistic crazy stories instead. I continued almost three years and there were tons of series in the end, I scrapped it all and glued it on an empty notebook and made up a booklet. But lost it through my traveling life I don't have the original anymore, except for these bad scans.   

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