Friday, September 26, 2014

Somebody Come And Play

I was 7 or something when I heard this song for the first time. A little girl (don't know who) singing, was my favorite song in Sesame Street. I think it's the first song in my life I ever empathized to the sad lyrics, emotionally attached. And the lyrics were easy enough for a 7 year old kid to understand.
Sadness. One of the emotions that gives me the strong strength to draw.

Wanna laugh about me? Go ahead, I don't fxxking care. And while you laugh at me, I shall be finishing  a mad crazy soul drawing that you can never ever create. And I'm saying this again, there's always a drama on the backstage until one artwork is done. And without those dramas, you won't be able to create an artwork that would hit someone's heart.

The second lyrics are missing, I don't remember it anymore. Hey, it's more than 30 years ago.

Somebody come and play
Somebody come and play today
Somebody come and smile the smiles
And sing the songs, it won't take long
Somebody come and play today

Somebody come with me and see the pleasure in the wind
Somebody come before it gets too late to begin

Somebody come and play
Somebody come and play today
Somebody come and be my friend
And watch the sun 'til it rains again
Somebody come and play today

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